My Projects

BIST Stock Analysis and Alert System

BIST Stock Analysis and Alert System

A web-based, Python application utilizing Streamlit, yfinance, pandas, and MySQL for fundamental and technical stock analysis, live price tracking, and customizable email alerts with APScheduler.

Movie Recommender

Movie Recommender

Developed a personalized movie recommendation system using Python and Pandas for data analysis. Implemented a machine learning model with Scikit-learn and TensorFlow. Visualizations were created using Matplotlib and Seaborn.

AI-Powered Image & Video Processing System

AI-Powered Image & Video Processing System

A Python 3.x application utilizing OpenCV, Tkinter, and scikit-learn for real-time image classification, model training, and prediction, leveraging linear SVM and GUI driven interactions.

ML Diabetes Pipeline

ML Diabetes Pipeline

A Python-based, diabetes prediction pipeline leveraging Scikit-learn, Pandas, and Numpy for data preprocessing, machine learning model training, and evaluation, utilizing various ML algorithms for accurate predictions.

PythonScikit-LearnPandasNumpyMatplotlibScikit-learnML Algorithms
Top Spotify Podcast Episodes

Top Spotify Podcast Episodes

This project analyzes Spotify's top podcasts using Python, employing technologies like CatBoost for regression, along with NumPy, Pandas, and SHAP for data processing and model interpretation.

Voice-Controlled Weather Assistant

Voice-Controlled Weather Assistant

The project is a voice assistant built with Python, utilizing SpeechRecognition, gTTS, and spaCy for natural language processing, providing real-time weather updates via an external API.

Financial AI Assistant

Financial AI Assistant

The project focuses on developing a financial AI assistant using Python, incorporating machine learning techniques to answer financial queries and provide insights into financial markets for user decision-making.

PythonTensorFlowmplfinance PandasNeuralintentsMatplotlib
Stock Assistant with NLP

Stock Assistant with NLP

The project leverages Python, YFinance, and Hugging Face for stock data analysis and recommendations, utilizing natural language processing techniques to enhance stock assistant functionalities.

PythonyfinanceHugging FaceScikit-learnNLTK